TV / Film Projects


 D-Day: As It Happens, Channel 4

Produced and Directed the opening episode of this ground-breaking multiplatform event in which Peter Snow retells the story of D-Day in real time by following seven people who were there.


 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2012: The Modern Alchemist, BBC Four
Series Producer on the classic lecture series, working closely with lecturer Dr Peter Wothers to develop three lectures on the theme of the chemical elements; air, water, earth and fire.

 London 2012 Olympic Ceremonies, BBC One
Worked with Broadcast Director Hamish Hamilton, shooting and editing footage from the Opening and Closing Ceremony rehearsals to help develop ideas about how the shows could be filmed and a visual camera script for the more elaborate sequences.

 Foxes Live, Channel 4
Interactive AP on the exciting multi-platform project exploring our relationship with the urban fox. As well as curating video for the site, I managed the Facebook community and Twitter feed which supported the live shows.

 Escape From Colditz, Channel 4
Assistant Producer on the film following an ambitious attempt to recreate the Colditz glider, build in secret by prisoners at the infamous camp, and launch it from the roof to safety – without crashing into the town below.


 Bars For Change, Channel 4 Education
Assistant Producer on the ground-breaking online series which merged hip-hop and grime videos with hard-hitting documentaries to engage young people in political issues. You can still watch the films on YouTube by clicking here.

 Dambusters: Building The Bouncing Bomb, Channel 4
Assistant Producer on the history special in which Dr Hugh Hunt of the University of Cambridge and a team of daredevil pilots attempt to recreate the iconic bouncing bomb and use it to destroy a dam.


 Ladders (comedy short) – Wrote and co-directed the short film which was screened at the BFI as part of the London Short Film Festival – Two teenage boys formulate an ingenious scheme to get rich quick by forging personal injury claims. Sadly their attempts to sustain suitable injuries don’t quite go to plan. More information here.


 Big Bigger Biggest – Series 2, Channel 5
Edit Producer on the ‘Telescope’ episode and Assistant Producer on the episode ‘Dome’ episode of the CGI-driven engineering series, discovering the technological leaps that allowed structures to grow from big, to bigger, into the world’s biggest.

 Generals At War, National Geographic
Researcher on the series which looked at some of the key battles of WWII through the eyes of the generals, with innovative cardboard cut-out CGI and exciting demonstrations of the technology involved.


 Once We Had A RocketIn 1971, Britain launched the rocket Black Arrow, placing the only British launched satellite into orbit. In the film, the men who designed, built and tested the rocket tell their story.

Find out more.

 “Gitarre”Dr Martin Becker contemplates life under the ever watchful eye of the Stasi as he discovers the findings of a secret police surveillance operation on him twenty years ago.

Co-produced and directed the short film as part of a Masters course in Science Media Production.